Hebrews 11:6 God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
The word ‘diligent’ means constant or relentless. God wants us to constantly, relentlessly pursue Him. No matter how we are feeling, no matter what the circumstances are, He wants us to keep Him at the focus of everything. We need Jesus to be at the centre of our lives, of our marriages, of our jobs, of our families, of our church and of everything!
The great thing is when we do diligently seek Him He rewards us. As God said to Abraham, He is our exceedingly great reward. As we come to an end of our fast, I pray that we will have cultivated those times of prayer and worship to God to set the tone for the year. Let’s continue to relentlessly seek Him!
Prayer Points:
Pray for our Government, for direction, for wisdom and guidance, for godly policy making, for godly leaders to be raised up who will uphold truth, honesty and integrity.