Luke 22:42 “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”
What a great depiction Luke shows us of Jesus praying in the garden. Jesus knew the path He had to take. He knew that it would require Him to go through trials, hardship and sacrifice, yet even in the midst of that He said not My will but Yours be done.
As we are fasting and seek God, let’s make our prayer: “God not my will but Yours be done.” It may mean we have to go through trials or hardship. It may mean we must sacrifice, but when we align ourselves to God’s will then amazing things start to happen.
Fasting doesn’t change the will of God for our lives, but when we fast and pray we start to align our lives away from our agenda and our will, onto His agenda and His will. When we do this, then He can start to use us to do the extraordinary.
Prayer Points:
Pray for jobs and employment, for promotion, winning contracts, satisfaction and fulfilment and advancement in work places, favour with bosses, wisdom to do the job, successful interviews, etc.